On Stage Wooden Guitar Wall Hanger Reviews 4

Wooden base, with what appears to be a black annodized aluminum holder, covered in non-reactive black sponge padding. I've been playing guitar, keys, harmonica, and other instruments for about 30 years.

I needed something to hang my acoustic in my home office because my 18 month old son was constantly trying to get it out of the place I was storing it and banging it around, etc. Even after I got him a Baby Taylor, he would keep going for my guitar, so best thought was to just get it off the ground.


The unit is very sturdy. The yoke, as they call it, it holds the headstock of the guitar and the swivel allows it to hang vertically, regardless of the style or design of the instrument. The black velveteen foam is stain and marring proof so you know your instrument is safe. A rubber ring around the edges of the yolk, help keep the instrument from sliding off.

I guess the pine bass can be stained or painted to match your decor, so it's not really a negative. I guess the only other comment is that I think the unit is a little on the expensive side, but you can also argue that your are protecting anywhere from a several hundred dollar to several thousand dollar instrument, so it's probably worth it.

Quality is good. Strong unit, fit and finish are good. This thing seems like it could hold a couple Les Paul's not just one.

Overall, when you consider what you're protecting, and the strength and cost of the unit, it doesn't seem so bad to spend roughly $20 on it. Additionally, the unit is built very well and materials were chosen thoughtfully so as to not harm your guitar, mandolin, bass, or other instrument. Sounds like a good deal to me.

ChrisB rated this unit 4 on 2010-10-16.

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